Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Holidays

Luckily, Santa came early to Prairieview pre-school for he was held up by snow and ice for our other students on Friday. As you may know we close when the High School closes for safety purposes so even though we were plowed and ready, school was cancelled. Our wonderful trip to the Tiviloi will be postponed until the snow melts. Have a lovely holiday season and stay warm and safe.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Holidays

After our first week of snow and I think I am through with snow blowing and salting and we are just beginning. All the children have been wonderful this week and during recess, we have been lucky not to witness any snow ball fights.

Conferences went extremely well with almost everyone showing up.
Again, thank you all for coming. Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm.

Don't Forget: Friday, December 5, 2008 - 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. - Wreath and Poinsettia Pick Up - Multi Purpose Room

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

As we celebrate this
Thanksgiving Season with our families,
one important part of my family
are the children, the parents and my
wonderful staff of Prairieview .
I wish you all Happiness and Peace and a joyous start to the Holidays.
Mrs. Schultz

Thursday, November 20, 2008

We are all winners

A big congratulations goes to the following students:

Jessica Fortin a fourth grade student in Mrs. Cushing's class. The Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors Authority of Northern Illinois sponsored a poster contest in October. Jessica's poster won out of 761 other posters from various grade levels of many schools. Jessica will be receiving a US Savings Bond along with a certificate and other small giveaways. Jessica's hard work has also awarded our school a $2,000.00 gift certificate to the Computer Discount Warehouse. Great Job Jessica!!!

Jeff Spear, a fifth grade student in Mrs. Bell's class, is the winner of the Apple IPOD Nano for having the highest sales in our Wreath and Poinsettia sale. Great Job Jeff!!!

Prairieview did an excellent job in our unexpected fire drill on Thursday. It seems a little dust went into one of our fire detectors and caused the alarm to ring. It is nice to know everyone is prepared and knows exactly what to do.

Have a great weekend, Mrs. Schultz

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let's go Skating

We had our first all school roller skating party on Tuesday, November 18th. In attendance we had 175 students, 15 chaperones, and 4 teachers. I would like to congratulate our students on their fine job they did at the roller rink, and to our parent chaperones who took on the challenge of riding the bus to the rink.

After our skating party District 66 had our School Board Meeting where we thanked our Board Members with notes and cards made by the students in appreciation for the wonderful job they perform for our school district. Thank you again, to our professional and wonderful school board.

Thanks to all and have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I thought I would do a little head lice review. The issue of head lice is one that often causes strain on families and the school. In the coming days we will be communicating with all parents about this issue in an attempt to increase understanding about “head lice” as well as District policies and procedures for dealing with head lice. Here is the procedure followed by our schools with regard to head lice:
When a parent notifies the school that a child has lice we check the classmates of that child to insure that the lice have not spread to other students.
If a child is found to have lice at school, the child is sent home immediately with instructions on how to eliminate the lice. Once the child has been treated he/she may return to school.
Mrs. Heckman, our school nurse, checks all students who have been treated for lice after seven days to insure that they are free of lice.
When a child is confirmed to have lice in school, the classroom is vacuumed and desks and chairs cleaned in the event that a louse has jumped off the infected child.
The District complies with all suggestions of the Center for Disease Control, American Academy of Pediatrics, and DuPage County Health Department. To our knowledge there are no additional steps that we can take to reduce the incidence of lice in the school setting.
We rely heavily on parents of students to control the spread of lice! Parents are an essential part of the solution to reduce lice!
Future communications will include information about lice facts to help all of completely understand this issue. Should you have specific questions about this issue please contact your

Friday, October 24, 2008

Count Down to Halloween

Around this time every year we have the State Inspectors and our local fire department walk through our building to make sure that it is safe and secure for all our students. We are proud to report that we received an excellent rating.

We also celebrated Bus Drivers Appreciation Day. We are extremely lucky in this district to have the bus drivers work directly for District 66. A big thank you for all they do for us.

One last thing -- many members of our District 66 were recertified as skilled practitioners in CPR and AED. You can feel safe at District 66.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Safety in our Schools

I was fortunate enough to attend the DuPage Regional Office of Education where the DuPage States Attorney's Office hosted a School Safety Conference on October 15 to address the issue of promoting a safe -learning envioronment in our schools. Current trends and issues were presented, and the conference featured the best practices in School Safety, a panel discussion regarding school threats and violence, available resources from DuPage County offices, and featured a keynote presentation from the FBI regarding assessing levels of risk, debunking myths, and knowing how to recognize a student who may be prone to violence.
I certainly hope everyone has a wonderful weekend .

Friday, October 10, 2008

Illinois Principal Association

This week I was privileged to attend the Illinois Principal Professional Conference in Peoria. I attended a variety of legal updates and other small group sessions on topics affecting administrators and schools . One of the speakers were Dr. Christopher Koch, Illinois State Superintendent of Schools, who updated attendees on the state of education in Illinois. I was also able to attend a speech by Michael Dorne a nationally renowned speaker from Georgia who presented, "School Safety Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", which focused on the importance of a safe environment. The mission of the Principals Association is to advance learning through effective educational leadership.

We also had a treat for reaching a magazine sales limit during our magazine drive. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Vetter graciously had four teachers and four students compete in a wild game of Mario Race Car Driving. Make sure you ask your children how much fun we all had with Mr. Coffee, Mrs. Bell, Miss Stetka and Mrs. Cirjakovic and our wonderful students. Have a safe and restful long weekend.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Fall is finally here and all our Chicago teams are involved; some are winners and some are not. However, for us here at Prairieview we are all winners because of the Darien Rotary Club. All our third grade students this year received a Student's Dictionary. Having all our children with a dictionary, written at their level, we are able to achieve much more. Remember this weekend we have Movie Night tonight and Market Day on Saturday; it should be a busy District 66 weekend. Have a nice one and stay safe.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Trouble Times

I am sure everyone is watching our country trying to bail out many of our financial institutions but you will be happy to hear we had a great financial highlight this week. Midwest Welding Supply has generously given money to our school for our students. We thank them for their continued support and being part of the Prairieview team.
School has been great this week and with each passing week students seem to settle down into more of a regular routine. Hang in there for you are all doing a great job in keeping up.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

As always this has been a full week, with magazine sales and band conferences -- the building has been hopping. Our first Early Dismissal was perfect thanks to all of you. Now let's have another great week next week. We have Magazine turn-in on Tuesday and picture day on Thursday.
People have been asking me about homework completion and here are a few short ideas that should help. Schedule short periods of work to fit your child's attention span. If she/he has an hour of homework, they can do 30 minutes and then take a break before finishing up. If you are spending an inordinate time doing homework something is wrong because students all have time in the classroom for finishing many assignments. Keep in contact with the teacher if you do spend hours doing homework; she/he should be able to give you a few ideas on how to help your child at home. Have a wonderful weekend and GO Mustangs.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Curriculum NIghts

I would personally like to thank everyone for the wonderful turn-out for all my curriculum nights. It is just wonderful to work in a district where parents are so involved in their child's education. You have shown that you support your child's learning here at school. Just make sure you show your child how connected you are to our school whether it be spending a few minutes going over their handouts and assignment notebooks or having them read out loud or practicing math facts as you are preparing dinner. Remember life doesn't require that we are the best, only that we strive to be the best.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Parent Link

I would first like to thank everyone who attended our Parent Link which was held last night. It was a very informative venue for our new "Response to Intervention" program which is tied to our reading curriculum. We have had a great start this year and everyone has been extremely excited about the 2008-2009 school year.
We are focusing on making this a very healthy year and I will be giving tips on nutrition and your child. Have a terrific weekend remember a full week next week, Mrs. Schultz

Friday, May 30, 2008

Next week is our last week, I can hardly believe it but the year simply flew by.
Today was our final fifth grade gala and it was a great event and thanks to all the mom's who made this a time to remember for everyone.

We still have a very busy last week and in case you don't have our calendar, here are the events.

Monday, June 2, 2008
Third Grade Field Trip – Chicago/Navy Pier
Miss Conley/Mrs. Spakausky

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Third Grade Field Trip – Chicago/Navy Pier
Miss Carlstrom/Miss Pellin

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
All School Picnic

Have a great weekend

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Parent Link

Are you wondering what your child can do over the summer to maintain the skills they've learned this year? If so, please attend our Parent Link night Thursday, May 22nd at Prairieview at 7:00. http://www.ccsd66.org/PDF/ParentLinkNight.pdf This evening will be dedicated to websites and reading lists that will help your students get ready for next year! Please see the attached flyer for all the details.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Resonse to Intervention

Center Cass School District #66 is in the process of implementing an Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) mandate, Response to Intervention (RTI). RTI is an array of procedures that can be used to determine if and how students respond to specific changes in instruction. RTI provides an improved process and structure for school teams in designing, implementing, and evaluating educational interventions.

Please look for the additional information on RTI, which will be included with your child’s end of the year Report Card.

Monday, May 12, 2008

4th Grade Night

Remember tonight, May 12th, is our Robert Crown Overview presented by employees of Robert Crown for fourth grade parents only. This is just a talk about what your children will be experiencing when they attend the adolescence talk at Robert Crown. It should only last about a half hour but it should prove to be enlightening. Hope to see you there, Mrs. Schultz

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Rock Treat

What a treat ! On Friday the children of Prairieview had a special treat with the entertainment of our own special rock band. The band including two past students who came to play for our students enjoyment. They explained each of their instruments and took questions from the student body. A big thank you to our wonderful band and to all our wonderful students.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break

I hope everyone is enjoying their vacation away from home or perhaps you are enjoying just staying home and doing spring cleaning. Would you like your child to be more responsible, hardworking, and persistent? Your son or daughter may already have chores to do but if you want to expand that list during the vacation you can motivated them by simply placing want ads on the refrigerator. Choose a challenging job and offer a benefit. Example: Wanted - a hardworking family member to clean out a corner of the basement. Reward- a night over with friends . Just a thought to help everyone enjoy their hard working vacation. Enjoy the week and see you on Monday.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Truth or Consequences

Every child, at one point or another, will try to lie. Discuss with your children that trust is one of the most important characteristics a person can ever have and that it is very hard to re-earn that trust if people think of them as a liar. Ask them how they would feel if they found out someone had lied to them . As a parent, show in your words and deeds that you are a trustworthy and honest person as well.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is an epidemic in America today. About 15 per cent of children are obese, and another 30 per cent are overweight. Experts blame the problem on too much television and too little exercise, along with soda and junk food crowding out fruits, vegatables and healthy drinks in youngsters' diets.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Schultz on Health

Last month was a difficult month here at Prairieview. Many of our family members (staff members) seemed to have caught something and became ill. Therefore, this month many of my blogs will be on health related issues. My personal favorite is exercise especially walking. Taking a daily walk with your family is a great way to get you and your children moving. Some families take a walk after dinner, others plan weekend morning walks. For parents who are home after school, that's often another great time to walk. Just figure out the best time for your family and stick to it. Use this time to walk and talk...you'll be helping everyone get healthier and you will be spending time together, something we all need more. Here's to a healthier and happy spring! Who knows you may even lose some weight. Enjoy your walk.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Good Start

Did you know that breakfast is the most important meal in your child's day? It provides the nutrients and energy he or she needs to concentrate in school. Research even shows that children who eat breakfast get better grades, pay more attention in class, and behave better. Help your child begin his day on the right foot. Our days are long and tonight remember is our skating party so I hope we are all energized.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Casimir Pulaski

Just a friendly reminder we do not have school this monday due to the honoring of Casmir Pulaski. Ask your children if they know who he was and why we are celebrating his day. Also next week is an exciting week for we have our last roller skating party on Tuesday. We are asking children to check-in at school before they go as a precautionary step. This way we can make sure at the roller rink only those with a hand stamp are allowed in .........keeping our children safe.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday Forecast

This month as almost every month has seem to fly by once again. Many of our students have been sick this month myself included with walking pneumonia. I am now felling much better now but today I am out of the office because of jury duty, which will be an experience I will share with our students.
This week we have had wild weather and hopefully that is all behind us but make sure everyone comes dressed warmly for we are still trying to get our students outside every day for some fresh air. Enjoy our sunny day today with no snow and remember we have no school on Monday.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Iowa Testing Week

Just a reminder that next week is IOWA Testing Week. Although we do not like to place undo stress on our children remember that everyone should try to do their best and with your help all our children will do just fine.
Here are a few little reminders:
Eat a healthy breakfast
Get enough rest
Do your best
As I look at this list these things should always be followed and not just during test time but to make something out of your child's time at Prairieview one should follow these simple rules. Your child is here such a short time and it is here we build their future. The habits developed here will be retained for life, make them the kind of habits that will sustain a lifetime.

Spelling Bee

If you have been reading my blogs you would know spelling is something I have to work at. But today one of our very own Prairieview Students won the District 66 Spelling Bee. Congratulations to Yvonne ! who did an outstanding job beating out the middle school students and her Prairieview colleges for first place. We are very pround of her and wish her success as she moves on to the county spelling bee in Wheaton. Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm, we are in for another cold spell.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Let it Snow....Let it Snow

I hope everyone enjoyed their unplanned snow day. Of course, like everyone else I thought I could catch up on a few things but the day just slipped away. Sorry we all were unable to get together for our movie night but it will be rescheduled when we return on Monday . The Spelling Bee will also be rescheduled till Monday when we find out our grade level winners. Have a great weekend, and stay warm, Mrs. Schultz

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Blizzard

I certainly hope everyone made it home tonight and is safe and warm. Just a reminder that tomorrow is our grade level finals for the spelling bee. The children who win for their grade will be going on to the major District Spelling Bee. Good luck to all. Please remember it is an odd week next week because of the voting in Illinois. We will be off on February 5th all day so the state can use our facility for voting. teachers will be attending an all day in-service to improve our curriculum. Also we have early dismissal on Thursday so it will be an extremely broken but productive week for our teachers. Have a nice evening

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Straight As

I would like to thank everyone who attended our Straight A Recognition Night. All the children were extremely excited and it was nice to recognize their hard work. It was also nice to see many of our staff, who really make this evening possible, attending in honor of their students. Congratulations to all.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

District 66 Solo Contest

District 66 Solo Contest
Last Saturday we held our annual solo contest for band students in 5th through 8th grade. The students were asked to prepare a solo to be performed by memory for a judge. From the 250+ students who performed, those who earned a perfect score were asked to play again for a panel of judges. District 66 had 25 total perfect soloists and from this group, Prairieview had four Cadet Band members involved. They were: Nicole Wroblewski, Trombone; Rebecca Allen, Flute; Brooke Nuccio, Flute; Sam Tedeschi, Tuba. From the group of 25, four were chosen as "soloists of the day". One 5th grader, Brooke Nuccio, was included in this group. Congratulations to Brooke and to all of our finalists!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Building Responsibilty

By now you have heard about our lunch ticket program. We have had numerous students borrowing money for lunch tickets and not paying back. So if your child has an outstanding debt they need to clear up their account before they can borrow additional tickets. Rules are hard for some children and during their years at Prairieview we would like to help them understand the importance of following rules. Rules help the classroom to run smoothly on a day to day basis. Why not try some rules at home to help your family household run smoothly. First involve everyone no matter what the age. Your youngster will be more agreeable to rules if he or she writes them. Ask family members for suggestions on getting along better, staying safe, and keeping the house neat. Make a note of every idea, and then as a group prioritize the list into a more manageable size then post it. If you make it fun it won’t seem as a chore but idea, and it was their idea! Good luck and enjoy your family as we do ours.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Welcome Back

It was so nice this morning to see the buses rolling into Prairieview with all the children. Everyone looked rested and ready to learn. We started this year with two new students -- it is always nice to add to our Prairieview Family. Like half the population this year, I too have made some New Years resolutions. One I can share with you is that I promise to write a blog three times a week with different daily themes. Monday’s will be a preview of the upcoming week, which this week includes our 5th grade field trip to Naper Settlement. Wednesday’s will be various activities that can be used at home to enforce curriculum or social skills and finally Friday’s blog will be a wrap up of the week. I hope you all had a wonderful restful holiday and are enjoying this warm weather but remember it is still cold season so still wear your coats.