Friday, September 16, 2011

Changing Weather

Seems like the school is in full swing even the weather is letting us know it is time to buckle down. It's time to set up a routine which is not only important for our students but also ourselves . A routine at home will prepare your student for the schedule here at school. For example, every day after school he might wash his hands, eat a snack, and start his homework. Even if you have sports at night if you follow a routine you will not have the drama for homework if they know there is the assigned time to start studying. It is never to late to develop good habits.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Busy Week

We certainly had a busy week at PV. First, we had our final fourth and fifth grade curriculum nights which, thanks to all of you, went very well. Then this week we completed our MAPs testing which will help us in identying those students who may need a little extra help either in interventions or enrichments. School is now in full swing and the homework is coming. You can make this school year great by following a few rules: follow a routine, promote independence, recognize effort and talk to your child about what they have learned today.

This year through my blogs I would like to help and go a little into detail on each of these suggestions.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the cool weather. Mrs. Schultz

Friday, September 2, 2011

The First Week of School

Can you believe we have finished our first week of school! It was wonderful having my building full of excitement and anticipation. I can only hope this energy will stay throughout the year.

Thank you to everyone who attended our third grade curriculum night which was very informative to all. Also, thank you to all who signed up for our magazine drive; we still need many more but we have made a good start.

Enjoy our long weekend and the change in weather. Relax and take the time for a nap at any age it is a wonderful thing! Principal Schultz