Friday, February 27, 2009

Testing Week

Next week we will be testing and nobody likes to take tests. Some of our students get what is called "test anxiety." They are so worried about taking the test they forget all they have learned for the test. Just telling your child don't worry and relax doesn't always work; so here are a few tips to tell your children:
  • Don't cram. A good night's sleep is more important than an extra hour of studying. Studies show that last minute cramming does not work; so relax and pull from the knowledge you have already acquired.
  • Read the directions carefully!
  • Don't be afraid to skip a question and go back later. Don't waste time worrying about a question; you should be able to go on and then return to the item you skipped before time is called.
  • Remember past tests when you did well. You can do it again.

We have set a good base for our children and they all will do well . Have a lovely weekend and remember we have Monday off -- so just enjoy!

Mrs. Schultz

Friday, February 20, 2009

Beat the morning Rush

We seem to have many children reporting late in the mornings. I realize with the change in weather it becomes more difficult to rise and shine; however here are a few short tips to ensure a happy and calm school morning.
  • Check the weather forecast and help your child choose clothes, coat, and shoes for the upcoming day
  • Have them put their backpack by the door and be sure they put their homework, permission slips inside and a reminder their lunch is in the refrigerator
  • Together, plan breakfast, and pack a healthy snack or lunch.
  • Test your child for tomorrow's quiz that one last time.
  • If you still have problems set their clocks in their room ten minutes ahead this always gives a little cushion.

If you follow this advice you and your child will have a great morning which always sets the tone for the day. Have a great weekend and hopefully we won't be shoveling for long.

Principal Schultz

Friday, February 13, 2009

Presidents Day

We have had wonderful Valentine Parties here at Prairieview, all the children had a party in their room and enjoyed the day. It was great to see all our students smiling and having a good time.
I hope everyone will enjoy their day off and I hope we all reflected on how all our Presidents were able to make a contribution to our country, for without these men freedom would not be possible.
This Friday we have our Family Bingo Night, February 20th starting at 7:00 till 8:30. This event is free but a donation of an item for the service men and women in Afghanistan would be appreciated for they are the true backbone of our freedom.
Have a wonderful week, Mrs. Schultz

Friday, February 6, 2009

Phone Week

It seems like everyone in the world has a cell phone including most of our students. This morning a few students came into the office to call home after asking them their phone number I realized no one knew their parents phone number. This included third through fifth, and was I shocked. So we have developed phone week, this week every child has to memorize a number which they can reach a parent. It is an all school effort including teachers, students, office, and most importantly our parents. Please this weekend and all next week practice your phone number because they will be quizzed by our teachers to make sure we keep our children safe and responsible. Have a great weekend.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Art Rules

Since we have had so many cold and snowy days I thought some of you would be interested in the different art projects we have opened up to our students.

We are asking students to participate in the Darien Woman's Club Creative Youth Art Fair. We have had many winners in the past but remember this is strictly optional but those who would like to participate can send in their artwork and we inturn will forward it. These art pieces will also be displayed throughout the building after the contest.

We will also be entering the Metra Safety Poster Contest this week. The poster contest is about railroad safety ('Safety Rules: Look, Listen, and Live). All posters must be received by Friday Feb. 20th so we can meet collect and mail in before the deadline of March 1st

All of these contests have been discussed in our art classes and the children all know the rules. Have a warm and safe week, Mrs. Schultz