Friday, March 18, 2011

A Busy Week

This month our students were treated to an assembly where teachers, students and parents, who have shown our school the importance of showing the virtues of respect, responsibility and safety were recognized.
We were entertained by authentic Hawaiian dancers who also talked incorporated respect, responsibility and safety.
These dancers were wonderful; both our children and our staff enjoyed the assembly.

We also were able to have one of our third grade students ride around the community on a fire truck. This opportunity was given to us by Dr. Tiede and it was certainly a hit !

Friday, March 4, 2011

PBIS Recognition

Well, we finished our first week of ISAT's with everyone doing a terrific job. But again, I am asking all my parents to follow some of the suggestions for helping your child during testing week. Make sure they eat a healthy breakfast and get plenty of rest and finally tell them to do their best but not to stress, remind them they did well in the past and will do well again.
We are also welcoming all parents and guardians to attend our PBIS Recognition Assembly on Thursday, March 10th, at 1:30 p.m. Students, teachers and parents will be recognized for their terrific work displaying our core expectations of :
Being Respectful, Being Responsible, and Being Safe.

Looking forward to see you there and have a wonderful four day weekend,

Principal Schultz