Monday, December 17, 2007

Last Week of School

This is an extemly busy week so I hope every one's shopping is about done. We were privileged today to have both the band and the choir give performances for the whole school. Everyone enjoyed the music and singing done by their own classmates. This week the whole school will be going bowling, grades levels will be visiting the bowling alleys throughout the week in completion for their bowling unit in Gym. Also remember Friday we all will be going to the Polar Express Movie at the Tivoli Theater in Downers Grove , what a great way to end the year. Have a lovely week and keep warm.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday Wrap-up

This certainly has been a full week with one more to go before the holiday. Fifth grade was privileged to attend a performance of The Nutcracker at North Central College. Everyone was very excited and it was a wonderful outing for all. Tonight remember we have our Movie Night with the showing of Santa Claus 3 which is always a favorite of children. Also, tomorrow is Market Day at Lakeview, remember we can always use more volunteers.
Have a lovely weekend and stay warm.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Holiday Concert

If you needed to feel a part of the holiday experience, last night's performance certainly put everyone in the mood. A wonderful show was put on by both choirs from Prairieview and Lakeview. Ms Wyse and Ms Berman did a fantastic job of getting everyone in the mood and showing off all our talented students at District 66. They did a great job and all their hard work certainly paid off -- it was a wonderful night! Thank you for taking time to be part of this evening!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kids Caring for Kids

I am more than happy to report on a wonderful event which took place last weekend called "Kids Caring for Kids". It was truly wonderful to see parents and children gather together to support this wonderful cause – making fleece blankets for children who find themselves at Ronald McDonald Children’s Hospital at Loyola Medical Center during this holiday season. While benefiting those less fortunate, we were all benefited by getting the opportunity to participate in this worthy cause. I believe that night many learned during the holiday season or whenever it is truly better to give than receive. The children at Ronald McDonald Children’s Hospital received 102 fleece blankets.
Thanks to our "Kids Caring for Kids"

Friday, December 7, 2007

Pearl Harbor

During these hectic holiday times let us remember an important day in history. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a speech to Congress, immortalized the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and other military installations on Oahu, Hawaii, on Dec. 7, 1941, as a "date which will live in infamy." Today, those words are remembered mostly by the generation that lived through World War II. Let us remember those and honor them in our actions today.
Have a lovely weekend. Mrs. Schultz