Monday, February 28, 2011

ISAT testing

This week we will giving the Illinois Standards Achievement Tests. This test measures individual achievement relative to the Illinois Learning Standards.

Some of our students get what is called "test anxiety." They are so worried about taking the test they forget all they have learned for the test.

Just telling your child don't worry and relax doesn't always work; so here are a few tips to tell your children this week at home:
  • A good night's sleep is important. Studies show that getting enough sleep and a good breakfast does help in the performance of the test.
  • Read the directions carefully!
  • Don't be afraid to skip a question and go back later.
  • Don't waste time worrying about a question; you should be able to go on and then return to the item you skipped before time is called.
  • Remember past tests when you did well. You can do it again.

We are also in the midst of our conferences another time to meet with your students teacher. If you need to talk please stop by remember my door is always open and I'm usually always here.

A busy week but we have set a good base for our children and they all will do well .

Have a great week and remember there is no school on Friday.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Parent Power

I'm sure we all worked together last week clearing snow. It was fun working as a family team and there are many ways you can work as a team with learning and the school. Here are a few ideas.
  1. Spend a few minutes in the evening looking over handouts your child brought home.
  2. Be in contact with your child's teacher if you see or hear of a problem from your child.
  3. Check their grades often so there are no surprises.
  4. Attend conferences, parent meetings and school functions.
  5. Most of all, show them you care about their learning.

We stand by our code -- Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be safe and make this your home motto.

Have a great weekend,

Principal Schultz

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

It sure was great to see everyone on Friday but perhaps I think our students would not have been upset with one more day of no school. I must give kodos to our custodians who came in on Thursday , the coldest day of the week, and managed to move all the snow so we could have school on Friday. Even Dr. Tiede was out there moving snow. I supervised from the window and was here for moral support. I hope this finds everyone shoveled out and in front of the fireplace this weekend. We have a busy weekend here at school ...............remember tonight we have movie night at Prairieview and tomorrow we have the solo contest at Lakeview.
Have a safe and warm weekend, Principal Schultz